Can a Data Science Bootcamp Guarantee a Job?

An 87% hiring rate and a money back guarantee if you haven’t landed a job within six months of graduating.

Let’s talk bootcamps. These are some of the most-requested resources at, and it’s clear why they’re so popular.

Take TripleTen’s Data Science Bootcamp, for example. It boasts an 87% hiring rate. And it has a money-back guarantee if you haven’t landed a job within six months of graduating.

The best part? I tested it out.

Then, I wrote up a full review with screenshots about my experience.

Here’s the full in-depth review with all of my info. I’ll include just the highlights in this email.

Here's my insider review.

There’s so much to cover when evaluating a bootcamp. So that’s what I did. I enrolled in the program and, as a professional data scientist myself, took stock of the curriculum.

It’s solid.

But a solid curriculum does not a bootcamp make.

I also looked for the program’s additional features, its community of active students, and how it helps graduates land jobs.

It turns out, that’s exactly where TripleTen thrives.

But one of the biggest standouts for me is the fact that they have an 86% hiring rate and a money back guarantee if you haven’t landed a job within 6 months of graduating.

Dr. Johns,

My full review is on, but here are some of the highlights.

Who is this bootcamp for?

This bootcamp has been designed for anyone with an interest in data science — regardless of their background in coding, mathematics, or data science. 

This inclusivity is a key point because the program starts from the very basics, including preparatory sprints that cover Python programming, computer literacy, and essential math concepts. 

This foundation ensures that even absolute beginners can start on solid footing, making it an excellent choice whether you're looking to transition into data science from a different field or if you’re looking to re-enter the workplace after a long absence.

What’s the curriculum, and how is it taught?

This bootcamp is structured into 17 two-week sprints, each culminating in a practical project to reinforce the skills you’ve learned. 

This project-based learning is crucial for helping you understand real-world applications of data science and for building a robust portfolio. 

Teaching Methods

When it comes to TripleTen’s teaching method, expect a range of interactive text-based lessons that are interspersed with quizzes, exercises, hands-on coding labs, and projects.

Another feature I appreciated was the integrated code snippets that allow you to run and experiment with code directly within the sprint’s learning material.

What’s the time commitment for this bootcamp?

The recommendation is to dedicate around 20 hours per week over approximately 8 months. 

This means it is a part-time model that’s flexible enough to accommodate professionals who might be balancing work or other commitments. 

It’s also good if you prefer a learning pace that allows for depth without overwhelming intensity, the pacing of this bootcamp would be ideal.

That said, you can go as fast as you like and complete the sprints as fast as you can manage because, ultimately, it is self-paced.

However, I would recommend that most students adhere to the 2-week sprint format if they can, as the program was designed with this in mind.

Will TripleTen help me find a job?

If your primary goal is to transition into a data science role, TripleTen's boot camp is designed to equip you with both the hard skills and the professional skills needed in the industry. 

The curriculum not only covers technical subjects like machine learning and SQL but also emphasizes soft skills such as communication and teamwork. 

But most importantly, with an 86% hiring rate for graduates and a money-back job guarantee, the program is heavily geared towards making you attractive to employers.

How much support can I expect?

Despite being an interactive and online bootcamp, TripleTen provides some very impressive and robust support with a network of tutors, mentors, and peers. 

This is all accessible via Discord, where you’ll find a vibrant and active community to support and encourage you on your journey.

Also, this community aspect is also a great way to network, and this can even help land a job post-bootcamp.

Will TripleTen Help You Get A Job?

I’ve said this more than once, but if you’re thinking about taking data science bootcamp, chances are fairly high that you want to use it as a platform to land a job. Right?

Well, it’s only reasonable then to ask the question, will TripleTen help you do this?

If you want the very short answer, yes, they do. But there’s much more to it than that. I break these down in more detail in my full review. Here’s the short version of how they help:

  • Comprehensive Career Preparation

  • Personalized Interview Preparation

  • Networking and Brand Building

  • Real-World Application Through Externships

  • Ongoing Support and Career Acceleration

  • Guaranteed Support Post-Graduation

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