Ethical Hacking Tools: Cybersecurity Essentials

New evaluations of industry essentials + Updates on AI coding assistants

This week we’re talking about ethical hacking tools. Remember, these aren’t just about finding weaknesses. They’re the main way we build stronger digital infrastructure. We’ll explore the different types of cybersecurity tools, industry news, and a major update to your tech mentor.

This Week’s Resources

Learn Skills. Find Jobs. Ask Mentor.

We recently updated our new AI tool, Mentor. You can talk with it just like you’d talk with a career advisor or tech instructor.

It’s now smarter than ever. Tell it about yourself, then ask for advice. It can help you learn new skills, find a job, or ace an interview. It’s also able to help you solve problems.

Learn skills. Find jobs. Ask Mentor.

Best of all, it’s currently available for free.

Here are a few ways you can use it:

  • Describe your skills, then ask for the best tech resources

  • Find the best places to work in your industry

  • Solve specific problems in Python, C++, or any other programming language

And let us know what you think!

a guide to the best cybersecurity tools of the year.

Types of Ethical Hacking Tools

If you’re building a career in cybersecurity, you’ll need to understand the different types of tools you have available. Here are three we discuss in our guide to the best ethical hacking tools.

Network Hacking Tools

Imagine you're a detective trying to find hidden doors in a maze of rooms – that's what network hacking tools are for in the digital world. They help ethical hackers explore and analyze networks and uncover potential vulnerabilities.

They're essential for understanding the complex web of connections and data flows within large networks and small networks alike.

Dr. Johns

With these hacking tools, you can perform network mapping, network inventory, inspect the DNS, host analysis, sniff out data packets, and even simulate attacks to test network defenses.

Wireless Hacking Tools

Think of wireless hacking tools as a radar that detects invisible signals: They allow ethical hackers to test the security of Wi-Fi networks, identifying weak spots like poor encryption or vulnerable access points.

From eavesdropping on network traffic to breaking weaker wireless security protocols, these hacking tools ensure that wireless networks are as secure as their wired counterparts.

Password Cracking Tools

Cybersecurity experts have a digital equivalent of lock-picking kits. That’s what password cracking tools are. They’re used to test the strength of passwords or even use as a password recovery tool.

Ethical hackers use these tools to demonstrate how easily weak passwords can be cracked, which can help to emphasize the importance of strong, complex passwords. These hacking tools can use various techniques like brute-force attacks, dictionary attacks, and rainbow table attacks to crack passwords.

Vulnerability Assessment Tools

Finally, we have vulnerability assessment tools. Think of these as the health check-up tools for computer systems and web applications (including single-page applications).

They scan networks, software, and systems to identify potential vulnerabilities – like outdated software, misconfigurations, or security loopholes

Ready to learn the specifics? We have our top choices outlined in a new YouTube video. Otherwise, you can read the full guide on Hackr.

AI Coding Assistants: Evaluated

In our new video, we explore the best AI coding assistants available today. We start by defining AI coding assistants and discussing their benefits, such as time-saving, error reduction, and learning new coding techniques.

Make sure to subscribe to the channel to see all the latest videos, and please leave a comment with your thoughts!

This Week’s Tech Jobs

Here are the latest tech jobs for the Hackr community.

The latest tech jobs for people in the community at

How to Reverse a List in Python

Here’s a quick tip: You can easily reverse a list in Python. In fact, it’s a common question for those interviewing for Python jobs.

Here’s how:

def reverse(s):
    result = ""
    for i in s:
        result = i + result
    return result

# Test cases
if __name__ == "__main__":
    test_strings = ["hello", "world", "Hackr", "", "a", "ab", "learning"]
    for test in test_strings:
        print(f"Original: {test} -> Reversed: {reverse(test)}")

Try it out with our Python compiler.

Additional Reading

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