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Underutilized Command Line Prompts

Forgotten Linux prompts with unexpected results + a survey

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This week we’re diving deeper into Linux and sharing a few tech resources. Based on last week’s response, we wanted to explore a few more forgotten Linux commands and share those below. As always, we love to hear your feedback. There’s a survey at the bottom if you want to share your thoughts.

This Week’s Resources:

The Linux Finger Command

Our recent YouTube video on the Finger command has drawn thousands of new viewers and a lively conversation. But what is this unusual old Linux command?

What is The Linux Finger Command?

For those unfamiliar, the finger command was a remarkable tool that allowed users to retrieve information about other users on their system.

Imagine, at a glance, discovering if a user was logged in, checking on what they were working on, and even pulling up details like their real name and email.

It’s also understandable why such a command might have been forgotten.

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These 3 Forgotten Linux Commands Are Actually Hilarious

Last week, we talked about the “finger” command in Linux. It’s one of the most powerful features for the Linux command line, but it’s no longer used the same way it once was. Here are a few more unique features.

Can you guess which we’re using? Let us know if we missed any in the comments.

What’s The Best Way to Program a Video Game?

Recently, one of our staff started working on a video game. With no prior experience in C#, they were able to create a clickable game in Unity in a single weekend.

How did this happen?

We just asked Mentor, Hackr’s tech assistant, where to start.

That led to Unity, which led to a YouTube guide to a video game project, which led to a very basic understanding of C#.

If you’re looking to program your own game, start with what you know. We have a guide to the best programming language for games. Some of the most compelling and viral games started with humble origins.

Game Dev Tycoon, for example, was built with node-webkit (now called nw.js). The creators discussed some challenges they faced porting to Mac and Linux, but they didn’t need the same resources you’d expect from a AAA game developer.

If you’re getting started on a new project, talk with Mentor for ideas.

Where Do You Practice JavaScript?

There’s a new free resource, a JavaScript editor, built right into your browser. It’s made especially for those learning web development, and it’s a free resource for anyone in the community.

The JavaScript compiler at is free to use and works with HTML, CSS, and JS

Enter your code, click “Run” and see the results immediately.

Enter your HTML, CSS, and JS to see everything in your browser in real time.

If you’re using this and find it helpful, please let us know!

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Video: Gentoo is Linux on Hard Mode

Don’t forget to follow us on YouTube. We’re regularly releasing new videos and having conversations with readers on the channel.

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